Specializing in Evidence-Based Treatment for OCD and Anxiety-Related Disorders
Do you find yourself plagued with disturbing, unwanted OCD thoughts and anxiety? Do you worry excessively that you might harm someone, accidentally offend God, or do something you believe might be spiritually or morally wrong? Do you worry that you might not be living in accordance with your true sexual orientation, that you might be with the wrong romantic partner, or experience fears of being contaminated? Do you find yourself engaging in repetitive checking, reassurance-seeking, or avoidance behaviors? Do you find that these behaviors give you momentary relief, yet ultimately make your symptoms worse?
OCD is a frequently misunderstood disorder that can be extremely scary, frustrating, and exhausting for those who suffer. Although OCD can present itself in its more traditional forms, it is not uncommon for individuals with OCD to experience many of the thoughts listed above, accompanied by extreme distress and anxiety.
I specialize in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, including Exposure and Response Prevention, to treat OCD and OC Spectrum Disorders such as Social Anxiety, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Health Anxiety, Panic Disorder, and Specific Phobias. I am passionate about using evidence-based treatments to help you live a full and meaningful life.
My name is Nathalie Rutherford, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Nathalie is the founder of Mind On Fire: Nathalie Rutherford, LMFT, Anxiety and OCD Treatment. Nathalie is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (#123200) specializing in the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and OC-Spectrum disorders, such as Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Specific Phobias using Exposure with Response Prevention (ERP), Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Nathalie received a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Biola University and a Masters of Science in Counseling Psychology from California State University, Bakersfield. Nathalie treats individuals of all ages, including young children.
Although OCD is not officially divided into subtypes, the following are some of the most common "themes" that I see in my practice:
Contamination OCD (mental and/or physical)
Scrupulosity (Religious and/or moral)
Relationship OCD
Harm OCD
Postpartum/Parinatal OCD
Pedophile OCD
Real Event OCD
False Memory OCD
Existential OCD
Magical Thinking
"Just Right" OCD
Hyper-responsibility fears
Health Anxiety
Sensorimotor OCD
What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
OCD is a disorder that is characterized by "Obsessions" (repetitive and unwanted thoughts, images, feelings, sensations, or urges) and "Compulsions" (repetitive physical or mental behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety caused by the Obsessions). The Obsessions and Compulsions cause clinically significant anxiety and distress.
OC-Related Disorders Treated At This Practice
Social Anxiety Disorder
Specific Phobias
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors
Panic Disorder
Exposure with Response Prevention (ERP)
Exposure with Response Prevention is a form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that is used for OCD and OC-related disorders. ERP involves gradually exposing the client to their fear, while helping them learn how to resist compulsions. The point of ERP is not to remove anxiety altogether (although anxiety reduction may happen while doing ERP - This is a bonus). Rather, the goal of ERP is to help the client "retrain" their brain to learn that they can tolerate these feared situations without engaging in compulsive behaviors that are making their OCD worse. ERP requires exposures and response prevention both in and outside of sessions. Clients can expect to have homework assignments to do between sessions.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
ACT was founded in the 1980s by psychologist Steven Hayes. ACT is a form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. There is evidence to suggest that ACT, used alongside ERP, can be very beneficial to clients struggling with OCD and related disorders. ACT will teach clients to stop resisting difficult emotions, experiences, and even intrusive images, thoughts, feelings and sensations. Instead, clients learn that difficulty and struggling is a natural part of being a human, and trying to get anxiety to go away usually makes it stronger. ACT also emphasizes the importance of living one's values in life, even in the midst of difficult inner experiences.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT is a form of therapy that helps clients recognize their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, and how these ultimately impact the way they view the world. When treating OCD, we do not use CBT to change thoughts or emotions (as changing thoughts and feelings is a pointless venture). Rather, CBT can be used to help clients recognize how their OCD might be tricking them, using cognitive distortions. For example, a person might have the thought, "I didn't get invited to this party. This person must hate me". CBT can be used to recognize that this is a cognitive distortion called "mind reading". We have no idea what another person is thinking unless we ask them!
Services & Fees
Potential clients will start off with a 10-15 minute free phone consultation to determine if we might be a good fit together. If we choose to work together, a one-time, 90-minute assessment session is scheduled. Subsequent sessions are 50-minutes long. Most clients attend psychotherapy sessions once a week. However, the frequency of sessions that are appropriate in your case may be more or less than once per week, depending upon your needs.
Free 10-15 Minute Phone Consultation
After receiving an inquiry for therapy, I will send you an email providing you with information about my practice. If this lines up with what you are looking for in psychotherapy services, we will schedule a 10-15 minute phone consultation to determine if we might be a good fit together. Please note: Not every therapist is a good fit for every client, and vice versa. If we are not a good fit together, I will do my best to help point you in the right direction in your therapy journey.
90- Minute Assessment Session:
This is the first session I hold with clients. This session is longer as it gives us time to go through any necessary background information, talk about your symptoms in detail, discuss your goals for therapy, and answer any questions you may have.
50-Minute Sessions
This is where we do the hard work! Regular sessions + assigned homework will help you gain the necessary tools to manage your anxiety. You will learn how to do Exposure with Response Prevention, how to live your life according to your values using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and much more. This is my favorite part, because I get to walk alongside you as you learn how to get your life back!
For Kids, Teens and Families
(For Families)
Freeing Your Child From Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Natasha Daniels - YouTube Videos
(For Kids)
(For Younger Kids)
What to Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck